Hybrid rework system HR/IRHP 100 including hybrid tool, Heating Plate, PCB holder, Flexpoint TC-holder with AccuTC thermocouple, USB cable and IRSoft software

Brand: Ersa
Product code: 0IRHR100A-HP

Hybrid rework system HR/IRHP 100 including Hybrid Handheld Rework Station HR 100A and IRHP 100 heating plate set

Hybrid Handheld Rework Station HR 100A:

- Hybrid Tool with 200 W heating element, positioning laser in the Hybrid Tool handle;
- Three exchangeable Hybrid Adaptors (6 x 6 mm, 10 x 10 mm and 20 x 20 mm) and Adaptor changer;
- Low Noise Rework Blower (below 40db);
- Integrated vacuum pump & VacPen; tool holder and K-Typ TC input socket;
- USB interface; LED- display; “Turn & Push” control;
- 2 Channel Temp. Recording: TC & IRS.

IRHP 100 heating plate set:

- Hybrid tool holder with Z-axis height adjust & lock;
- X-Y PCB board holder (290 mm x 250 mm);
- 800 W IR-heating plate with glass cover: 125 mm x 125 mm high performance IR heating element;
- AccuTC and Flexpoint TC holder;
- Closed Loop Profi les with ERSA IRSoft Rework;
- Documentation software; User Level Access.

The Hybrid Tool combines infrared as well as convection heating in one hand tool for the soldering and de-soldering of densely packed SMT components. It delivers smooth and homogeneous heat to lead free components. Other features:

- Fast rework cycle;
- Low cost & small footprint;
- In-housing component rework;
- Flexibility and process safety;
- Process stability and repeatability;
- Simple operation;
- Simple operator training;
- Software support;
- Use of temperature profiles;
- Documentation and traceability.

Advanced operators using the HR/IRHP 100 complete system can not only set air volume and heating power levels, but they can also run & record profiles!


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